We Are Sunshine

You Control Your Own Future

Monday, August 28th, 2023

By Scott Nichols

If you’ve been following this column for a while, you’re probably picking up on a theme I’ve been trying to convey. In many of my articles, I’m trying to get you to take control of your decision-making. You have a lot more control over what happens than you think…well at least the opportunity to have more control. In this article, I want to go through three scenarios that I think most tanning business employees can relate to.

The first scenario is a manager position is open and you didn’t get the job. I know what you’re thinking: “It wasn’t up to me if I got the job or not – it was up to my boss.” Wrong! You did have control over the situation; you just didn’t realize it. First, the interview for the position started happening on your first day of work. If you don’t think your boss or your boss’s boss is watching you from day one, then you’re oblivious to it. They’re going to be looking at your past work experience, reliability, sales, cleaning, and how well you work with other co-workers. The decision of getting the manager’s position didn’t happen with just one interview.

Next, how well did you prepare for the interview? Did you have practice interviews? Did you research common questions asked? Did you talk to the old manager and ask him/her what she thought about the job and what the company might be looking for?

If you want to control the situation of becoming a manager, then you need to start working on what you can control today. There is a lot that can be done to slide the odds in your favor. None of this will guarantee you the job, but it can sure do a lot to help you.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
