We Are Sunshine

Quote of the Week:
‘Sun Scare…is hurting people’

Monday, November 7th, 2011

The leader of the world’s most prolific Vitamin D advocacy group told Canadian network television that purveyors of an all-out ‘Sun Scare’ message need to back off on telling people to avoid any and all UV exposure because their message is killing people.

“The sun scare message has gone overboard. It is hurting people,” Carole Baggerly, founder of GrassrootsHealth, told Canada’s CHCH in an interview Oct. 31 while promoting her group’s new vitamin D intervention study — a study that will progressively follow 1,000 Canadian women with sufficient vitamin D levels.

Baggerly and Grassroots have organized most vitamin D researchers worldwide into supporting 40-60 ng/ml (100-150 nmol/L) as target vitamin D blood levels. Baggerly, a breast cancer survivor, points to research pinning vitamin D sufficiency as the most effective way to reduce breast cancer risk.

Breast cancer, and most forms of cancer, are much less common in sunny parts of the world and lower latitudes near the Earth’s equator. “And what else is associated with latitude? The availability of ultraviolet-B rays to create the vitamin D in our skin,” Baggerly said.

To watch the CHCH report click here.

To learn more about GrassrootsHealth, visit their web site
