We Are Sunshine

News Archive for February, 2008

Is vitamin D deficiency a factor in chronic back pain? by MARC SORENSON, ED.D.

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Raising vitamin D concentration in the blood may dramatically increase strength and decrease pain among those who have low vitamin D levels.

     Possibly the most impressive piece of research on the subject is a clinical observation of five vitamin-deficient people …

Growing Up in Canada By: Steve Gilroy

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Tanning is growing – as well as growing up. Clients are looking for different types of equipment, a professional staff to educate them, and they are ready to pay for that service.

     Education is so easy to get today. Our …

Australians Are Mixing Their Message About Sunshine By Joseph Levy

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Australia’s largest newspaper opened an interesting can of worms recently, reporting that the Australian building industry potentially could be the target of litigation because its outdoor workers are exposed to sunlight which could cause skin cancer.

     “The building industry has …

Power Points with Joe Schuster: What’s the Link?

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

     Let’s chalk up another positive for sunlight exposure! New research led by Dr. Thomas Wang and the Harvard Medical School in Boston indicates a relationship with low levels of vitamin D and a higher rate of heart disease and stroke.…

Member of the Month: Endless Summer Tanning Spa , Mitchell, Ontario

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Seven years ago, in a small town of 3,800 people with a few tanning beds tucked away in the back of hair salons, Tracey McKone envisioned the success of a tanning-only business.

     Her vision became a reality in 2001, when …

Check this year hottest products in SNEAK PEAK

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Want to see what’s hot this year from the industries top companies?  Check out our annual “Sneak Peak” of the years newest products! See them all HERE!

FINALLY…The positive effects of SUNLIGHT hit the mainstream

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Something special happened this January. In a weeklong media storm, the decades-old logjam that has prevented mass acceptance of the indoor tanning community’s long-held understanding of UV light has let loose.

 The floodgates opened in the New Year’s first full …

How Do You Answer Questions About Tanning?

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Getting your staff to become ambassadors of smart tanning is part of the future of the professional indoor tanning market. That’s why Smart Tan’s Tanning Truth Certification teaches you and your staff the best way to answer some of the …
