We Are Sunshine

News Archive for August, 2023

How Red Light Therapy Devices Measure Up

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

Though our industry has been utilizing red-light therapy devices for a while, the advancement in high-output LED red light therapy units is teaching us that there’s a lot more to red light therapy than simply putting a user under the …

Five Things Your Salon Needs To Do

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

As the indoor tanning community continues to evolve and grow professionally, the market’s most successful operations continue to focus on key competencies. Joe Levy, Executive Director for the American Suntanning Association, is the lead developer of International Smart Tan Network’s …

Maximize Your Revenue for the Rest of the Year

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

By Grant Miller

Depending on where your salon is located, summer marks the beginning of the annual slow season. Typically, the first half of the year is the prime time to bring in new members, sell a ton of EFTs, …
