We Are Sunshine

21 ‘D’ Random Control Trials in 2012

Friday, January 4th, 2013

The Vitamin D Council summarized 21 new random controlled trials about vitamin D published in 2012 on its web site this week.

“Randomized controlled trials are considered the ‘gold standard’ of research because they can very strictly discern if an intervention (like vitamin D) has a causative effect versus just an association. And if there is an effect, what is the effect? Positive? Negative?” the Council explained on its web site.

The new RCT studies join thousands of clinical, observational and lab studies that have suggested positive effects of the sunshine vitamin. While some critics of vitamin D have suggested that more research needs to be done before people start checking their vitamin D levels, it should be noted, in comparison, that there are no random control trials showing that UV exposure in non-burning fashion is harmful, and yet dermatology has closed the books in its conclusions on UV.

To read the Vitamin D Council’s post click here. news articles regularly report medical and scientific information to keep you abreast of current events related to UV light. This information is not intended to be used by any party to make unwarranted health claims to promote sunbed usage. Indoor tanning businesses are obligated to communicate a fair and balanced message to all clients about your products and services including the potential risks associated with indoor tanning. Contact your Smart Tan representative to find out more about what you can and can’t say in your tanning salon business.


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