Half of all indoor tanning businesses reported that business fell short of expectations in the first quarter of 2010, according to the results of a SmartTan.com poll conducted in early April — further indication that the recession that has gripped …
A WCBS News story in New York acknowledged that fear of the sun is the cause of vitamin D deficiency — the latest in media and scientific acknowledgment of something that has been obvious to those who research UV light.…
Canada’s death rate could fall by as many as 37,000 deaths each year or 16 per cent if Canadians simply increased their daily vitamin D intake to intended levels, says a study conducted by four of the world’s leading vitamin …
“Here’s something else to consider: Vitamin D made in the skin lasts at least twice as long in the blood as vitamin D ingested from the diet. When you are exposed to sunlight, you make not only vitamin D but …
A London newspaper published a report Monday of a woman whose over-use of chemical sunscreen led to the development of adult-onset rickets caused by severe vitamin D deficiency.
“A health conscious nurse has been diagnosed with rickets after covering herself …
Only four out of 10 tanning facility owners say they’ll be able to pass along the 10 percent federal “Tan Tax” on UV tanning services to their clients once it goes into effect July 1 – further evidence that the …
Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy did a 20-minute radio interview with western Michigan radio station WJRW on Thursday, explaining why Vitamin D should simply be referred to as “The Sunshine Hormone” and calling for people to carefully scrutinize over-the-top …