We Are Sunshine

Capitalize on Holiday Sales Momentum

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

Parlay the new customers leads you’ve developed during the holiday and post-holiday season into continued sales success and new regular customers with these tips from the article “4 Ways Retailers Can Ride the Post-Holiday Wave to More Sales.” Holiday and post-holiday shopping tends to bring new customers into your business, providing a unique opportunity to convert many visitors to regular clients. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Make the most of returns. Product returns typically seem like a negative, but it’s also an opportunity to grab someone’s attention. In our industry, this is especially pertinent with special holiday items you sold, or diversification products like jewelry, handbags or accessories. Make a plan for how you can get people that return merchandise, and likely haven’t been in your salon previously, to give some of your other offerings a shot.

Get the most out of gift card users. The same concept applies to gift card users. These people are likely not regular customers of yours. Having them in your business to use their gift cards is a great opportunity to make additional sales, lock them into a package, and gain a long-term customer. Just like with returners, prepare a special offer to get them to bite.

Invite them back. Assuming you collect phone numbers and email addresses from everyone that comes in your store, make an effort to thank these people for your purchase. At minimum, send each person that bought from you before the holidays an email thanking them and offering them a special gift or offer. Even better, make it more personal with a phone call. They’ll appreciate your effort and care and won’t be annoyed at you bothering them if you’re offering them a gift or great deal.

Click here to read the entire article from
