We Are Sunshine

Five Low-Cost Ways to Create More Revenue Fast

Thursday, March 10th, 2022

By Grant Miller

Getting your existing customers to spend more money more often is an effective way to quickly increase your revenue. Marketing is a process, and you should always be attracting new customers and maximizing the value of your existing ones.

The easiest sale is selling something to someone who has recently spent money with you. If you know how to maximize the opportunity, tapping into those customers can be a big revenue booster. Here are five, fast ways to do so:

  1. Thank You Cards. When was the last time you purchased something and the store actually acknowledged your purchase after the sale? Unfortunately, this hardly ever happens. Showing gratitude by thanking customers for their business can instigate them to purchase more from you. Imagine the impact you’ll make when a new customer that joins your EFT membership, or makes a $100 lotion purchase, receives a handwritten note from you or your staff. The thank you card could also include a special incentive for their next purchase.
  2. Phone Calls. Not interested in spending extra money on thank you cards? Making a phone call won’t cost you a penny! Each day, create a list of members who made a qualifying purchase the previous day that you deem worthy of a thank you call. If you aren’t the one calling, write a little script so your staff states exactly what you want them to say.
  3. Birthday Cards. My salons have been sending out birthday postcards for over 10 years. This has been one of the most effective marketing systems ever. Customers look forward to the greeting and the special offers. No matter how old you are, people like to be acknowledged on their birthday. Postcards are very affordable, and you can use either a stamp or a bulk mail permit if your mail volume is large enough.
  4. Bounce Back Offers. Typically, the customer who has just made a purchase with you is most likely to spend even more if you ask. The “bounce back” postcard acknowledges their recent purchase and offers a time-sensitive incentive for their next purchase. For example, run a weekly report that illustrates who has spent at least $75 or more in products or services. Then, send them a postcard with a thank you message and an offer for their next purchase. Make sure to include a relatively short expiration date of 10 days or less. The short expiration date creates urgency and maximizes your chances of a quick visit and purchase.
  5. Anniversary Card. This is very similar to the birthday card mailing. This offer celebrates the anniversary of when the customer started their business with you. It’s another credible reason for you to provide an offer to your customer. Women have a mind for dates and times, and seeing that a majority of your customers are female, the anniversary offer will especially resonate with them.

All of these marketing systems are low-tech, inexpensive and highly effective. They don’t require any use of social media, so you don’t have to be a tech-savvy individual to utilize them. Pick one or use them all, but whatever you do, use them to grow your revenue quickly.
