We Are Sunshine

Grow Your Business Without Adding Capital

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Make your business bigger, better, and more profitable without a significant financial investment by using the methods detailed in the article “5 Ways to Grow Your Business Without Adding More Resources.” They say it takes money to make money, but it’s not the only way. Try these approaches instead:

Automate tasks with software. As a small business, the right software can help level the playing field with bigger competitors. From billing and accounting, to loyalty programs, to social media, email and SEO, and software specifically for salon of course, technology can help you do things that only big companies were able to fund in the past.

Focus on scalable channels and ignore everything else. You can always amp up email, digital, and social media marketing at little to no cost. And email is still the most cost-effective marketing channel out there. If you need to reach more potential customers, focus on these areas before investing in more billboards or radio ads.

Build your business through referrals. Don’t underestimate the long-term value of a regular customer. Offering something valuable to get your current clients to send their friends your way is well worth it as long as you can convert just a small percentage of them to regulars.

Be an efficient lead and project manager. As the leader of a business, your time is valuable and needs to be used as efficiently as possible. That’s why you should be focusing on the tasks that only you are capable of completing and that make the biggest difference on the bottom line. Anything less should be passed down the line.

Don’t aim for perfection. When you implement new ideas, such as these, don’t waste your time trying to perfect each one right away. Start out with several new ideas, see how they’re working, and scale up the ones that seem to be making the most impact.

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