We Are Sunshine

Internet Video Embraces Indoor Tanning

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

naturalnewsOne of the leading natural health web sites,, has produced a 25-minute free video telling the public to embrace sunshine and to use tanning beds to produce natural vitamin D levels that our bodies are denied from modern indoor living.

Mike Adams — founder of and identified as “The Health Ranger” produced the video as a passionate plea for the public to realize that overblown sun avoidance, promoted by interests tied to chemical sunscreen manufacturers, is the largest public health mistake of our generation.

“A tan person is actually a healthy person,” Adams says in his video. “You’ve been told another lie about tanning salons — that they’re all bad… by the same people, by the way, who are trying to sell us sunscreen.”

“Tanning booths can help your body generate vitamin D to prevent cancer” and can “save our nation from its health-care disaster.”

The Video, “The Truth About Sunlight, Cancer and Vitamin D” is the most popular video on Adams’ www.NaturalNews.TV extension of By Wednesday afternoon the new video had more than 21,000 viewings.

One of Adams main points of contention: Sunlight doesn’t contribute to skin cancer, he says, unless the person exposed is nutritionally and anti-oxidant deficient. His contention: A person replete in nutrition is less susceptible to sunburn regardless of their sun habits.

Adams slams the sunscreen and dermatology industries for suppressing this information while urging everyone to over-use chemical sunscreen products.

To view Adams video visit
