We Are Sunshine

6 Things You Wish Your Customers Knew

Tuesday, January 11th, 2022

By Ashley Laabs

Through the course of working in a retail environment, you’ll invariably come across difficult clients. But if they only knew what you did, the world would just be a better place for it! Here are some of …

Tanning is a Natural Process: Dermatologist

Monday, January 10th, 2022

“The dogma, now fossilized in print, is that any tan is a sign of skin damage. Tell that to Darwin. Pigmented melanocytes in the skin are a system that protects it from excessive UV, which evolved long before the advent …

Step It Up: A five-step plan to grow your sunless business in 2022

Friday, January 7th, 2022

As we kick off the New Year, there are more ways than ever to grow your sunless business. The popularity of spray tans is continuously mounting, there’s new equipment technology, more product options to sell, and salons are beginning to …

Sunshine Vitamin Regulates Seasonal Depression: Researchers

Thursday, January 6th, 2022

The sunshine vitamin may play a greater role in placating Seasonal Affective Disorder than previously thought, researchers now say. Earlier research and common sense have long suggested a relationship between sunshine, vitamin D and SAD, but evidence now shows that …

Building a Team Starts With You

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

By Scott Nichols

In today’s world, most of us watch video clips online. If you’re like my son, you watch sports clips of athletes making the last-minute shot, touchdown or goal. What’s not shown is the other 99% of the …

Sell to Your Client’s Inner “Me”

Tuesday, January 4th, 2022

By Brandon Cardinal, Sunless, Inc.

Are you ever confused as to what it is you do at your salon when it comes to spray tanning, sunless tanning and or self-tanning. It is our job as an industry to define what …

Is Free Better than a Discount?

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Of course free is better for the customer, but it may also make for a more effective promotion in the long-run than a discount, according to research.

A study in the Journal of Consumer Research found that offering a discount …

Mood and Sunlight: Safely soak it up

Thursday, December 30th, 2021

By Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute

Mood (a good mood) is critical to optimal living, and those who work in natural light experience improvement. In addition, a good mood leads to better performance, behavior and psychological health.

Furthermore, very few things …
