We Are Sunshine

Are You Making it Easy for Clients to Buy from You?

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

By Grant Miller

I am frequently amazed how difficult some retailers make it for you to give them your money. The “sales prevention” department is, unfortunately, alive and well all across the country. They unintentionally put up all sorts of …

‘The Doctors’ on Vitamin D and COVID-19

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Dr. David Meltzer from the University of Chicago joined “The Doctors” TV talk show to share about the findings of his recent study, which found that patients who were vitamin D deficient were about 77% more likely to test positive …

Understanding the Base Tan

Monday, October 5th, 2020

One thing that critics of the indoor tanning industry either don’t understand or refuse to admit is the reality that base tans acquired in a non-burning fashion at a professional tanning facility help to prevent sunburn.

It’s surprising. That is …

How to Increase Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Friday, October 2nd, 2020

By Ashley Laabs

Salon owners across the country report word of mouth as their most successful marketing method, but many are doing absolutely nothing to cultivate more of it. When it comes to marketing a business, owners are often so …

Don’t Buy Your Sunless Tanner From Non-Sunless Industry Brands

Friday, October 2nd, 2020

By Katie Phillips, California Tan Sunless

The sunless industry is booming and everyone, including companies in other industries, knows. As a result, many makeup companies, haircare companies and even big box retailers are developing sunless products. As sunless tanning professionals, …

How to Maximize Your Slow Season

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

By Grant Miller

Too many salons spend most of their time and advertising budget trying to attract new clients and often forget about the ones they already have. Current members are much easier and less expensive to keep compared to …

Nitric Oxide: Miracle Molecule of Sunlight on Skin

Monday, September 28th, 2020

By Dr. Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute

Nitric oxide is colorless gas that produced by the stimulation of ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation to the skin. The raw materials for this gas are pre-formed stores of nitrates and nitrites. It is a

Become a Marketing Scientist

Friday, September 25th, 2020

Salon owners consistently point to marketing as one of the greatest points of difficulty for their business. When something works, it feels like magic; when it doesn’t, it feels like a mystery. But what if all the time and work …
