Email marketing can be tough if you don’t have a dedicated marketing department. If you find yourself staring blankly at the keyboard, trying to decide what to email your customers this month, it might be time for you to develop …
The contemporary business world encourages people to make decisions based on measurable data, and rewards them for their measurable achievements. But even as we consume an overwhelming amount of data, we don’t necessarily feel better prepared to …
I frequently get asked the question, “What’s your one key to being successful?” Although well intentioned, it’s not a very smart question. Any high achiever will tell you there are 10, 20 or …
St. George, UT –Available on Amazon, Embrace the Sun, by authors Marc B. Sorenson, Ed.D. and William B. Grant, Ph.D., claim that sun avoidance may be nearly as hazardous to your health as cigarette smoking! Will there soon …
For the purpose of marketing and strategic planning, I like to break down the year into two halves. The first half of the year, I focus on growing the business by getting as many new …
Discounting commercial sunbed use as a treatment option for those suffering from dermatological diseases may be a disservice for patients, according to a review of previous research on the subject.
“Unsupervised sun exposure is a standard recommendation for some patients …
State regulatory advocacy efforts continue to be an important part of the American Suntanning Association’s efforts to promote the responsible use of sunbeds in professional salons.
Efforts to restrict UV tanning in salons for clients under age 18 and efforts …
Since I started in this business way back in 1991, current technology has given us some fantastic new tools to reach potential customers and keep in touch with current ones. Smartphones, websites, text messaging …