While some might try to convince you otherwise, we all know that humans naturally need, crave, and relish sun exposure. Case in point: It took more than 100 years to accomplish, but one Norwegian town in 2013 completed its mission …
Mood (a good mood) is critical to optimal living, and those who work in natural light experience improvement. In addition, a good mood leads to better …
The normal first reaction to this statement is to get defensive, isn’t it? The next thought is to start to think of ways to reduce your price just to get the business, right?…
The holidays are upon us, too quickly for some. Black Friday – known to the tanning community as Bronze Friday – has come and gone, but shopping season is far from over.
Luckily for retailers, procrastination is a growing trend …
Catherine Webb is in the business of identifying potential, and then maximizing it. At G.T.G Tanning, she’s exhibited that knack with both the salon as a whole and the people that have helped it succeed. In just a year and …
A press release from the Vitamin D Society of Canada discusses the need for vitamin D in the winter, in order to reduce the risk and intensity of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. SAD …