When your job involves supervising others, it’s easy to lose sight of the image that you project. From time to time, it’s important to manage your own reputation and leadership style. Different environment require distinctive styles of …
Years ago, I was shown a video on the psychology of perceived value. They set up a restaurant with simple, undecorated card tables and metal chairs. They brought in a study group to …
Results from a case-control study, published in a paper by Cattaruzza et al., showed a clear decrease in melanoma risk as vitamin D levels increased. The study included 137 cases of melanoma (blood samples collected at the …
One of the most common questions I receive from salon owners regarding their marketing is, “When marketing to a customer, what is the best thing to offer them to get them into my store?”
Help us stop the tan tax and the war against women! ASA will post a different message every two weeks for you to copy and paste into an email to your US representative. There will also be a link that …
As salons across the country see a steady increase with their spray tanning clients, we continue to pose the question, “How do we continue to grow our sunless business?” It’s a valid question and one that …
TORONTO, Ont (June 21, 2018) – A new study of 5,038 women (age 55+) in a pooled cohort of two randomized controlled trials and a prospective cohort has found that women with vitamin D blood levels of ≥150 nmol/L, which …
Like most salon owners, I have a love/hate relationship with our business! When the busy season finally hits, it’s great to know that there is still life in this industry. But just about the time …