We Are Sunshine

It’s Lurking Inside Your Salon – Stop it Now!

Monday, April 30th, 2018

Your salon contains many appliances and devices that use water for their operation. And if left unchecked, each has the potential to cause thousands of dollars in damage and shut down your business entirely.

Universal Insurance has developed a check …

Combat Social Media Overload

Wednesday, April 25th, 2018

If you find yourself hearing about a new social media platform and then rushing to your computer to set up an account for your small business, you are not alone. Most small business owners feel compelled to stay current and …

Kizer and Bender’s Social Media 101

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

By Rich Kizer and Georganne Bender, professional speakers, retail strategists, authors and consultants

Social media marketing is definitely social – it’s all about the interaction you have with fans and followers. If you want to be ahead of the competition …

Be The Whole Package

Monday, April 23rd, 2018

By Ashley Laabs

As different business models emerge, the concept of leadership is becoming more abstract than ever. It is a quality that everyone seems to have, but few can actually demonstrate through their actions. Even as the workplace adapts …

9 of 10 Salons Let Employees Tan Free: Poll

Friday, April 20th, 2018

In a poll, more than 90 percent of salons said they offer their employees free tanning, and more than 80 percent said they allow employees to use any of their sunbeds free of cost.

Just 4 percent of salons …

The Benefits of Sensible Sunshine: GrassrootsHealth

Thursday, April 19th, 2018

By Carole Baggerly, GrassrootsHealth

Was sunshine always considered dangerous? No. In fact, sunlight enabled evolution and is important for humans. A study of traditionally living populations in equatorial east Africa, published in 2012, showed that 48 ng/ml (120 nmol/L) was …

Stop the War on Women:
Your second message to your U.S. representatives

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

The American Suntanning Association has created a simple, yet powerful initiative that will get thousands of messages to all of our representatives so our voices will be heard. This program is simple, takes a few minutes a month, and we …

Be Prepared for Visits from FDA Inspectors

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

Smart Tan has been advised that field visits to tanning businesses by U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspectors should be expected to be more commonplace this year.

The FDA is “re-labeling” its field inspectors, and the Center for Devices and …
