We Are Sunshine

Dermatologists Say Get Some Sun

Monday, March 12th, 2018

A pair of Washington, D.C. dermatologists suggest a number of reasons to get some moderate sun exposure every day, in an article last year from Some of the benefits Dr. Brian Dixon and Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi list are not …

Don’t Assume You Know Your Customers

Thursday, March 8th, 2018

By Chris Cummings

How well do you know your customers? I’m not asking how many of them you talk to on the phone or go out for coffee with; I’m asking how well you understand the demographics of the people …

UV Critics Sizzling Over Bacon?

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

By Joe Levy

There’s a new million-dollar question in the science of indoor tanning and it has nothing to do with anything you’d ever find in a sunbed salon – look no further than your kitchen.

in 2016, the World …

Five Low-Cost Ways to Create More Revenue Fast

Monday, March 5th, 2018

By Grant Miller, Salon Consultant

Getting your existing customers to spend more money more often is an effective way to quickly increase your revenue. Marketing is a process, and you should always be attracting new customers and maximizing the value …

ASA President Discusses Tan Tax Battle in Radio Interview

Friday, March 2nd, 2018

ASA President Melinda Norton appeared Friday on The Russ Clark show, a political radio broadcast, discussing the impact of the Tax Tax on tanning businesses, professional salon protocol and more. Listen below:

Open for Business: Google Business is a must-have for your tanning business

Thursday, March 1st, 2018

Time and time again, you’ve heard that being without an online presence is a huge no-no for your business in this digital age. Because of this, you’ve established a Facebook page and other social media accounts and created a website. …

Debunking Lease Renewal Myths For Tanning Tenants

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

By: Jeff Grandfield and Dale Willerton – The Lease Coach

Readers of our new book, Negotiating Commercial Leases & Renewals FOR DUMMIES, will learn that many lease renewal myths exist. Considering that the average tanning tenant only negotiates a …

The Art of the Customer Consultation

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018

By Brandon Cardinal, Norvell Sunless

In business, separating yourself from your competition is very important. The key to this success lies in your ability to effectively communicate the fundamental truths of your business to your client. For example, with its …
