Sometimes it’s all too easy to get caught up in selling more and forget that sales aren’t directly related to profit. We’re always focused on improving sales numbers, but perhaps an easier way make more money is by increasing your …
Contouring is all the rage! Fashion blogs and magazines are going crazy about it. A person can contour nearly every body part known to man these days. Contouring with makeup can take a lot …
More than six out of 10 professional tanning business had owners or employees attend an industry conference in the past year, according to a survey — another sign that the indoor tanning community continues to professionalize.
Did you ever pay for marketing or advertising and the results weren’t as effective as you had hoped? Of course you have! It’s happened to every one of us, but here’s some good news: There …
“When you ingest vitamin D, only about 60 percent of it sticks to vitamin D-binding protein, but when you make vitamin D in your skin, 100 percent binds to the protein.” — Dr. Michael F. Holick, vitamin D research pioneer …
Since I started in this business way back in 1991, current technology has given us some fantastic new tools to reach potential customers and keep in touch with current ones. Smartphones, websites, text messaging …
You probably know the home of the Smart Tan Nashville trade show and educational conference as The Music City, but as of the mid-1800s Nashville was referred to as The Athens of the South for its reputation as one of …