We Are Sunshine

President Obama Takes Vitamin D Daily

Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

Reports following a recent physical exam indicate that President Barack Obama takes a daily vitamin D supplement to treat a “mild deficiency,” according to Reuters.

The President’s physician also says that Obama is in great shape, has given up cigarettes, …

Focus on Profitability, Not Just Sales

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Sometimes it’s all too easy to get caught up in selling more and forget that sales aren’t directly related to profit. We’re always focused on improving sales numbers, but perhaps an easier way make more money is by increasing your …

Indoor Tanning World Summit: Tanning’s international leaders meet in Germany

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Suntanning associations from around the world met for the second time as a continued effort toward building a strong future for the global indoor tanning industry. Due to the success of the first World Summit meeting held at Smart Tan …

Experience the Nashville Difference

Monday, June 16th, 2014

Running a business can run you ragged. It’s inevitable that owners and employees alike eventually get stuck in the daily grind and the minute details of a salon. When you lose that innovative, ambitious spark, it shows in everything you …

Swedish Beauty Takes Part in Salvation Army Luncheon and Fashion Show

Friday, June 13th, 2014

Guests at the 49th Annual Luncheon and Nearly New Fashion Show for the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary of Clark County, Nevada  this May left with a special thank you from Swedish Beauty. The luncheon and fashion show was held …

Before You Send That Email Blast, Answer These Questions

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Email marketing software brand Vero shares some advice on getting the most out of your email blasts in a recent article on, “9 Questions to Ask Before Sending That Marketing Email.” “With great power – the privilege of inbox …

Changing with the Times

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Sitting on a sunny beach, Bobby Catone contemplated what to call his tanning salon. Although the name — Sunbelievable — seemed to come with relative ease, that was the only thing that came without too much effort.

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Bobby is a …

European Tanning Convention Big Success in Germany

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

The inaugural SUNbiz tanning event showcased the latest and greatest in indoor tanning for the nearly 100,000 attendees of FIBO, the leading international trade show for fitness, wellness, and health, this April in Cologne, Germany.


SUNbiz is an exciting, new …
