We Are Sunshine

Go Big or Go Home!

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Shop smarter on the industry’s largest trade show floor

The skin care products on your shelves, the impulse items near the checkout and the equipment in each room didn’t just magically appear. Every item in your salon was carefully selected …

Don’t Miss Upgrade Sales Opportunities

Monday, June 10th, 2013

In a recent poll, most indoor tanning businesses answered that the majority of their clients purchase upgrades individually at each visit, as opposed to prepaid packages or higher-level upgrade EFTs.

Forty-four percent of salons say that most of their …

Salons Teach Sunscreen Usage Best

Friday, June 7th, 2013

Professional indoor tanning facilities do a better job teaching the correct usage of chemical sunscreen than “sun scare” groups who manufacture and mass-market the product, according to the International Smart Tan Network. Our position is based on the following:

  • The

Do-It-Yourself PR

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Cultivate some cost-effective local publicity for your business with tips for managing public relations efforts on a tight budget from the Young Entrepreneur article “5 Tricks for DIY PR.” Most independent salons can’t afford to hire an expensive PR firm …

Podz Eyewear and Dr. Sun Give to Breast Cancer Causes

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Podz Eyewear & Dr. Sun have donated more than 5 percent of sales, in product and cash contributions, to breast cancer charities so far in 2013. They have also worked hard to donate their time to the effort.

Company President …

Top Corporate Presenter to Speak at Smart Tan Downtown

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

He’s an artist, an author, and an entrepreneur. He’s presented more than 1000 times for clients like Disney, FedEx, Microsoft, Wells Fargo, and the U.S Chamber of Commerce. His artwork has raised more than $1 million for charity and can …

Using Bonuses to Boost Sales

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

Implement an effective bonus plan that will keep your team engaged and kick sales up a notch, with tips from the article “How to Motivate With Bonuses.” A bonus plan done the right way can make your team excel, …

Poll: Salons Use a Mix of Decorations

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013


Nearly half of indoor tanning businesses use a combination of industry posters, customized signage and generic artwork to decorate the interiors of their businesses, according to a recent poll.

Forty-five percent of salons say they use a mix …
