We Are Sunshine

Doctor: Does SPF Do More Harm?

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Yet another physician is asking whether or not daily exposure to sunscreen chemicals may be more harmful than what sunscreen is supposed to be preventing — sunburn.

“Sunlight, in reasonable doses, enables natural immunity, promotes skin growth and healing, stimulates …

Mercola Blasts ACS For ‘Sun Scare’

Friday, September 21st, 2012

The most prolific natural health advocate on the web has issued a statement blasting the American Cancer Society for not embracing better cancer-prevention programs ­ including encouraging people to optimize their vitamin D blood levels with regular UV exposure.

Dr. …

Improve SEO with Google+

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Think maintaining a Google+ page for your business is a waste of time? Here’s why you’re wrong. Even if you don’t think that you will be able to connect with many potential customers directly via the social network, having a …

U.S. Derms Refer 900,000 To Sunbeds: Survey

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

An International Smart Tan Network survey of 6,881 indoor tanning clients revealed that 11 percent of tanning clients say a doctor referred them to a tanning salon for therapeutic reasons and that 28 percent of those referring physicians were dermatologists. …

You Can Turn It Around

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Around this time of year, everyone begins bustling for the next busy season. Salon owners change the product lineup and think up some new specials, but many feel a little intimidated by the idea of really changing their business for …

WHO Statement:
Indoor Workers Get More Melanoma

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

The World Health Organization has acknowledged that indoor workers — who get 3-9 times less UV exposure than their outdoor counterparts – get more melanomas.

It’s in writing on the World Health Organization’s web site in a statement that acknowledges …

Quote of the Weak:
SPF Group: Use Our Product Daily

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

“For adequate protection against melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers and photo-aging, everyone over the age of six months should use sunscreen daily year-round, in any weather.” — The Skin Cancer Foundation’s “Guide to Sunscreen” on the Foundation’s web site.

Sunscreen manufacturers …

Raise Prices the Right Way

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Increase prices without losing customers with tips from the article “3 Smarter Ways to Raise Prices” from When the cost of doing business rises, increasing prices may be the only way to survive; but customers aren’t always so understanding. …
