Just more than half of tanning retailers say their business was the same or better this April than it was in April 2009, according to a SmartTan.com poll conducted the first 10 days of May — another indication that the …
“The problem with melanoma, as with many other branches of contemporary clinical research, is that it is based on circumstantial evidence obtained from epidemiological studies rather than an understanding of the pathology. Melanoma is an illustration of the muddle introduced …
Anti-tanning pundits are conspicuously exaggerating risks associated with indoor tanning beds by failing to properly identify the absolute weakness of the data they cite, a group representing 1,100 U.S. health care journalists published in a column to its members May …
A landmark public health report outlining ways to reduce environmental cancer risks is slamming chemicals used in daily applications as an unrecognized problem and has put what is arguably a balanced and downplayed message on UV exposure angering some …
Another melanoma study using genetically engineered fish is causing waves in the scientific community this week — suggesting that UVA should no longer be implicated as a factor in melanoma.
“Our data refute the only direct evidence that UVA causes …
Almost 9 in 10 tanning facility owners say the weather has been a factor in their business so far this spring, according to a SmartTan.com poll conducted in late April — a finding that underscores the sometimes not-so-marginal impact weather …
A new study is showing that sun avoidance and a lack of outdoor activity in Southern teenagers is leading to vitamin D deficiency in parts of the country where Dermatology Lobbyists have said incidental sun exposure should have been more …
Supre Tan has been a part of the indoor tanning industry for more than two decades. The company produces some of the best products around, using the finest ingredients and formulas.
But the company is more than just outstanding accelerators, …