We Are Sunshine

HEADLINE STORY: Dermatology lobbyists still refuse to acknowledge UV as the ultimate source of vitamin D

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

JULY 16, 2009 — The American Academy of Dermatology changed its position statement on vitamin D this week, acknowledging that sun avoidance will put people at risk for vitamin D deficiency, but also saying that people should continue to use …

Tanners sunburned less often than non-tanners during the holidays, Smart Tan poll suggests

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

JULY 15, 2009 — Fully 5 of 6 indoor tanning operators believe that their tanning clients sunburned less often during the early July North American holidays than did non-tanners, according to the results of a poll conducted in the …

HEADLINE STORY: Tanners sunburned less often than non-tanners during the holidays, Smart Tan poll suggests

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

JULY 15, 2009 — Fully 5 of 6 indoor tanning operators believe that their tanning clients sunburned less often during the early July North American holidays than did non-tanners, according to the results of a poll conducted in the …

Toronto Sun publishes a pro-sunlight story about vitamin D

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

JULY 14, 2009 — The Toronto Sun this week ran a major feature story on Vitamin D — a story that included the headline “why Canadians shouldn’t avoid the sun this summer.”…

HEADLINE STORY: Toronto Sun publishes a pro-sunlight story about vitamin D

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

JULY 14, 2009 — The Toronto Sun this week ran a major feature story on Vitamin D — a story that included the headline “why Canadians shouldn’t avoid the sun this summer.”…

London dermatologist slams ‘Sun Scare’ messaging in The London Times

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

JULY 13, 2009 — “As a dermatologist working in the melanoma field for nearly 20 years, I feel quite strongly that there is always an overemphasis on sunshine. You often read that nearly all melanomas are caused by sunshine —

HEADLINE STORY: London dermatologist slams ‘Sun Scare’ messaging in The London Times

Monday, July 13th, 2009

JULY 13, 2009 — “As a dermatologist working in the melanoma field for nearly 20 years, I feel quite strongly that there is always an overemphasis on sunshine. You often read that nearly all melanomas are caused by sunshine —

Smart Tan’s 2009 Convention and Trade Show

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

JULY 10, 2009 — Indoor tanning is on the cusp of its next boom, and the smartest tanning business owners will be positioned to be a part of it.
Making sure you’re one of them is what Smart Tan’s 14th …
