We Are Sunshine

Academic Fraud?

Friday, July 31st, 2009

IARC Report Declaring UV “Carcinogenic to Humans” ignored conflicting information

JACKSON, Mich. (July 29) – The International Agency for Research on Cancer ignored conflicting information in its classification of ultraviolet light as ‘carcinogenic to humans’ – a one-dimensional conclusion that …

HEADLINE STORY: Academic Fraud?

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

IARC Report Declaring UV “Carcinogenic to Humans” ignored conflicting information

JACKSON, Mich. (July 29) – The International Agency for Research on Cancer ignored conflicting information in its classification of ultraviolet light as ‘carcinogenic to humans’ – a one-dimensional conclusion that …

HEADLINE STORY: Minnesota dermatologist takes sun scare over the top in news story

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

“‘Keep sunscreen next to the door so you don’t forget to put it on’ even if you’re just going out for a minute” — Minnesota dermatologist Dr. Michelle Lewis, as quoted in The Red Wing Republican Eagle in a story …

2010 and Beyond: Smart Tan’s Comprehensive Plan for Salon and Market Growth

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

The heart of this year’s convention, Smart Tan rolls out a massive program to expedite the coming boom in indoor tanning — a program that empowers everyone in the 160,000-strong indoor tanning community to take part in “the UV revolution” …

HEADLINE STORY: 2010 and Beyond: Smart Tan’s Comprehensive Plan for Salon and Market Growth

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

The heart of this year’s convention, Smart Tan rolls out a massive program to expedite the coming boom in indoor tanning — a program that empowers everyone in the 160,000-strong indoor tanning community to take part in “the UV revolution” …

Salons sense that clients appreciate tanning more in a challenging economy

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

JULY 28, 2009 — Tanning clients overwhelmingly appreciate the service of a good indoor tanning facility even more in a challenging economy, the owners of professional tanning facilities said in a poll conducted in mid-July.…

Behind the Counter: Living the Golden Rule

Monday, July 27th, 2009

As a salon owner, operator or employee we have all been in that uncomfortable place of having an angry client. You know the routine – the client comes in the door with a scowl on their face, looking for a

Jamaica Me Tan: Hemp Bronzing Elixir by Rasta

Monday, July 27th, 2009


Ya mon, you muss truss mi. This is mos def da formula you be needin’. All fruits ripe wit this bad like yaz Hemp Elixir by Rasta! Dun know bout you, but you muss give tanks for the everliving irie
