We Are Sunshine

Grass Roots in Flower Mound, Texas

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

The Tale of the Closeted Tanner. It’s not fiction. It is, unfortunately, a very real story that exists in every town in North America. The story’s protagonists are people who are ashamed to admit that they tan and that (gasp!) …

Devoted Creations turns greener

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Last year Devoted Creations created its first environmentally “green” lotions – the Green Line: Terra, Verde and Puro. The industry was impressed with such eco-friendly strides and began buying up the Green Line. The line is still going strong and …

Virtual Training: Smart Tan Brings the Classroom to You

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Smart Tan has long been the industry leader in salon training, but let’s face it, training can often be a bit of a hassle. Why? Perhaps the classroom training isn’t close to your salon. Or you’ve just sent your entire …


Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Professional Indoor Tanning Means Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

Indoor suntanning was invented in Europe primarily to harness the positive physiological and psychological benefits associated with UV light exposure – a fact that often gets lost in today’s rhetoric about the …

New study suggests vitamin D reduces risk of heart attacks

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

There’s more research this month supporting a connection between higher vitamin D levels and a decreased risk of heart disease.…

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: New study suggests vitamin D reduces risk of heart attacks

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

There’s more research this month supporting a connection between higher vitamin D levels and a decreased risk of heart disease.…

Half of salons increased their per-session tanning prices in 2008

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Just more than half of tanning salons increased their per-session tanning prices in 2008 — a finding that is another sign of the maturity in the indoor tanning market.…

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Half of salons increased their per-session tanning prices in 2008

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Just more than half of tanning salons increased their per-session tanning prices in 2008 — a finding that is another sign of the maturity in the indoor tanning market.…
