We Are Sunshine

Future Industries Announces New Expo

Friday, October 31st, 2008

For years, Future Industries has believed in giving its customers the best the tanning world can offer – from providing stellar tanning equipment to offering invaluable customer service, FI is a one-stop tanning shop. And now the company has announced …

All in all, a good year in Canada

Friday, October 31st, 2008

After speaking with a number of salons across Canada, the 2008 season was an even better year than 2007. The few places that were down seemed to be so because of heated market and the downturn in the auto industry. …

Third Party Testimonials Are Powerful

Friday, October 31st, 2008

You don’t realize it yet, but just by reading this article you’re going to learn how to increase your response rates which in turn will assist you in making more sales.
How? Listen closely. Third Party Endorsements Are Powerful…….READ

Ask The Lease Coach

Friday, October 31st, 2008

Q:For my new tanning salon, is it better to lease a location, buy a business condo or construct my own building?……READ MORE

This Windy City salon owner shoots for open-minded opportunities

Friday, October 31st, 2008

It’s hard to stay off your soap box when you’re as politically and socially conscious as salon owner Matt Turner. Instead of complaining about elections or the less accepting people down the street, though, he channels his energy into positive …

Joint Canadian Tanning Association responds to bogus Canadian Cancer Society report

Friday, October 31st, 2008

The Joint Canadian Tanning Association in October slammed the Canadian Cancer Society for releasing a poorly crafted study of indoor tanning operations – a study that claimed most tanning salons were not checking ages of tanning clients, but which did …

Take Three Steps Forward

Friday, October 31st, 2008

  The 2009 tanning season will begin with a few sure things – a new presidential administration, a challenging economy and the inevitable – negative attacks on the indoor tanning industry from the sunscare side of the spectrum.
In response, the …
