We Are Sunshine

‘Eric Dane Does Not Have Cancer’

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

Agent’s proclamation puts Big Dermatology’s misclassifications of pre-cancers as “malignant” front and center

The story of TV star Eric Dane’s “fight against cancer” has blown up in the face of the Hollywood magazine that last week over-hyped the removal of …

‘Eric Dane Does Not Have Cancer’

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Agent’s proclamation puts Big Dermatology’s misclassifications of pre-cancers as “malignant” front and center

The story of TV star Eric Dane’s “fight against cancer” has blown up in the face of the Hollywood magazine that last week over-hyped the removal of …

Are Professional Tanning Businesses Attracting An Older Client Base?

Monday, February 18th, 2008

An oft-repeated predisposition about the professional indoor tanning business is that it caters to a young clientele and that the older, mature audience stays away. But that may be changing.

A February poll of tanning businesses showed that 88 …

Are Professional Tanning Businesses Attracting An Older Client Base?

Friday, February 15th, 2008

An oft-repeated predisposition about the professional indoor tanning business is that it caters to a young clientele and that the older, mature audience stays away. But that may be changing.

A February poll of tanning businesses showed that 88 …

Solid Ground

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Positive Signs for the Tanning Business

The U.S. Commerce Department reported Wednesday that retail sales increased by 0.3 percent in January — a result that isn’t earth-shattering, but which suggests that consumers are not going into a spending slide as …

Solid Ground

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Positive Signs for the Tanning Business

The U.S. Commerce Department reported Wednesday that retail sales increased by 0.3 percent in January — a result that isn’t earth-shattering, but which suggests that consumers are not going into a spending slide as …

Media Still Blind to Sun Scare’s Agenda

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

While vitamin D and sunlight are getting plenty of play in the lay press in 2008, media reports this year are still struggling to identify moderate indoor tanning as a constructive activity.

“The press is still missing the fact that …

Media Still Blind to Sun Scare’s Agenda

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

While vitamin D and sunlight are getting plenty of play in the lay press in 2008, media reports this year are still struggling to identify moderate indoor tanning as a constructive activity.

“The press is still missing the fact that …
