We Are Sunshine

Is Vitamin D the way to beat asthma?

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008

Vitamin D could lower the risk of asthma in children by up to 40 per cent, according to a new report.

Researchers say that lack of vitamin D could be involved in the increase in asthma and allergies. They believe …

Canadian study points to ‘D’ deficiency

Sunday, December 30th, 2007

 A study of vitamin D levels in more than 100 University of Toronto students has found a much higher proportion of non-white participants had insufficient levels of the vitamin in their blood compared to white students.…

Sunlight helps put lung cancer in the shade

Friday, December 21st, 2007

Something as common and available as sunlight may help prevent some lung cancers, researchers say.

A new study finds that lower levels of the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) rays are associated with a higher incidence of lung cancer across 111 …

The real story on Vitamin D

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

When a nasty flu struck California’s Atascadero State Hospital, Doctor John Cannell made an interesting discovery.

“I know my patients had been exposed to influenza, but none of them got sick,” he said.…

Sunshine deficiency leads to vitamin D crisis

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

Millions of Australians are exposing themselves to bone disease, fractures, diabetes and cancers by failing to get enough vitamin D, a crucial nutrient produced when skin is exposed to sunlight.

Experts have warned the highly acclaimed “Slip Slop Slap” campaign …

Some seniors face insufficient Vitamin D levels

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007

Insufficient intake of vitamin D may lead to decreased physical strength, increased muscle weakness and increased risk of disability in older women and men, according to a new study published in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.

Coffee cuts risk of skin cancer by one third

Monday, December 17th, 2007

New research shows that drinking coffee every day can reduce the risk of some skin cancers.…

Certain nutrients may help ward off the winter blues

Monday, December 17th, 2007

Like bears fattening up before hibernating, many people experience food cravings and fatigue as winter approaches. Some people also report feeling unusually blue when the temperature drops and nighttime comes earlier. Interestingly, certain nutrients may help ward off winter blues.…
