We Are Sunshine

Six Customer Service Phrases to Live By

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

In indoor tanning businesses, bad customer service can quickly overshadow any products or services on the menu. Sometimes, its as simple as posture, tone of voice, or using the wrong wording with a client who is on the edge of meltdown. Other times, it goes completely unnoticed how employees and owners alike fail to unlock the intense loyalty of their happy customers with just the right words.

For a quick and costless way to fine-tune your customer service, consider these common phrases and the impact they can have on your business:

“Thank you for coming in. How can I make today better for you?” Customers enjoy the feeling that something is being done specifically for them, which  is why servers who use the phrase “for you” get tips that are up to 12 percent larger. And don’t wait until a customer is leaving or purchasing to thank them for their business –share your gratitude immediately. By letting them know that you acknowledge and appreciate them before any money is spent, customers will fell happier and more trusting.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
