We Are Sunshine

With a Passion

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

A degree in German isn’t what most would consider a direct ticket into business, but when Lori Angstadt completed her undergraduate studies, that wasn’t really on her mind at all. Instead of settling into a job with a paycheck and benefits, she lived a life that most could only dream of. Unsettled on any particular life path, Lori traveled extensively. An outgoing personality lent well to her decision to explore, absorbing other cultures and lifestyles along the way.

When she came back, her family was opening four Subway franchise locations. With some part-time Subway experience to her advantage, she decided to put herself to work someplace she could have support.

“I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my degree, but I knew my family could use my help. That was something I felt comfortable with,” says Lori.

What she found was far beyond comfort. Lori blossomed into a managerial role and began to enjoy the business. Having regulars, interacting with people and making things better were all things that made her feel great about her job.

“I felt that I was a good role model. I was able to help employees see their potential,” she says.

In the most unexpected way, Lori felt inspired to have a business of her own — someplace she could spread her wings while still enjoying all of her favorite aspects of the restaurant business.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.

Click here to watch the salon’s commercials and see how they’re changing their EFT program to win over clients.
