These four “secrets” may seem obvious at first, but you’ll want to look closely at your business and see how you can improve each one to maximize your salon revenues. This is particularly important as …
You can be successful no matter what. Have you ever told yourself that? It’s true! If you stop letting the uncontrollable control you, your business can continue to grow and thrive.
Did you know men can get breast cancer? You might be aware, but it’s not something you hear much about, because it’s an uncommon occurrence. You certainly don’t see government agencies or health advocacy groups promoting awareness or recommending measures …
Self tanners are in demand, so much so that they have garnered permanent self space at most major retail and specialty beauty stores.That means salon clients are buying these products. As experts in sunless, they should buy …
If you are a salon owner, you need to accept the fact that most staff will never be as motivated and good at selling as you probably are. It’s really not their fault. Most staff members are …
Salon owners are always focused on keeping their clients happy and making the most out of their buying potential, but one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself as slow season creeps along is to …
It’s no secret that everyone looks and feels a little sexier with a nice tan. But that’s apparently not the only way sunshine can improve your sex life. Exposure to bright lights, similar to sunlight, tripled reported sexual satisfaction in …
Bruce Williams, Vice President of Technical Service, PC Tan
Even if you have a resident “handyman” in your tanning business, a little extra experience and expertise can certainly come in handy when it comes to your most valuable equipment. With …