After 20 years as an ultrasound technician, Jayne Contois was ready for something new. She was too young to retire and wanted a new business venture. She and her husband approached the owner of the oldest tanning salon in Bradford, …
The normal first reaction to this statement is to get defensive, isn’t it? The next thought is to start to think of ways to reduce your price just to get the business, right?…
Facebook Live launched early this year and has become a very popular feature for news outlets, celebrities, businesses and individuals alike. It allows users to interact with their Facebook followers in real-time through video. You broadcast live video that shows …
Kick off the New Year the right way, with the education, motivation, equipment and products you need for a successful 2017, at the PC Tan Expo. On Jan. 14, the tanning industry will take over the Hilton Hasbrouck Heights – …
I am a small business salon owner, just recently adding my third salon, all within 20 miles of each other. I get asked time and time again if there are locations in different areas …
If you follow Devoted Creations on our Social Media outlets you may be familiar with the hashtag #LisaAndKandraDoEurope. International Sales Trainers Lisa Parsons and Kandra Covert traveled to Rotterdam, Netherlands to educate Devoted Creations’ Holland salons on the new 2017 …
Business owners and entrepreneurs – most people think these terms are interchangeable. Isn’t every business owner an entrepreneur? The answer is no. The definition of an entrepreneur is “a person who organizes and manages any …