We Are Sunshine

Become a Better Leader, Right Now!

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Make an immediate improvement in your leadership skills by following these simple steps from the article “Be a Better Leader Today.” You don’t have to read a book or take a seminar to become a better boss. Doing the …

Mixing Business With Pleasure: Celebrating 18 years of Smart Tan trade shows

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Eighteen years of learning, laughing and growing, and we are still amazed by the Smart Tan Downtown conference and trade show in Nashville. This year we brought a splash of creativity to the event, and the results were truly astounding.…

‘D’ Deficiency Linked to Life-Threating Pregnancy Complication: Study

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

A recent study found that pregnant women deficient in the sunshine vitamin have a 40 percent increased likelihood of developing severe preeclampsia, a potentially life-threatening condition that affects 5-8 percent of pregnancies.

Researchers from Ohio State University College of Medicine …

Smart Tan Nashville Moving to New Location

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

The Music City Center – a brand new convention complex in the heart of Nashville – will be the new home of the world’s largest indoor tanning trade show and conference this fall.

Smart Tan Nashville 2014 will take place …

Smart Management: 6 Things You Wish Your Customers Knew

Monday, January 27th, 2014

Through the course of working in a retail environment, you’ll invariably come across difficult clients. But if they only knew what you did, the world would  just be abetter place for it! Here are some of the most common things …

Majority of Salons Use Sunless-specific Marketing: Poll

Friday, January 24th, 2014

In a recent poll, nearly two-thirds of indoor tanning businesses said they utilize marketing efforts specifically to promote their sunless services. A previous poll showed that nine out of ten salons now offer sunless tanning.

It’s become clear in …

‘Innovate Where You Differentiate’: Harvard Business Review

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

There are only so many ways to make your business distinctive, so you’ve got to take full advantage of the opportunities you have, explains the Harvard Business Review blog post “Do You Know What Makes Your Company Distinctive?” You hear …

Vitamin D Alleviates Fibromyalgia Pain: Study

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

A new study suggests that increasing vitamin D levels eases muscle pain and sensitivity associated with fibromyalgia, a condition that affects 1 in 25 adults, according to Natural News.

Women with clinically documented fibromyalgia and deficient vitamin D levels raised …
