We Are Sunshine

HEADLINE STORY: ACS bombshell admits cancers are being over-diagnosed. Melanoma could lead the list.

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

OCT. 22, 2009 — An American Cancer Society bombshell declaring that cancer screenings themselves are responsible for over-diagnosis of cancer most likely applies more to skin cancer diagnosis than any other cancer.

“Over-diagnosis” of cancer — the practice of calling …

Most tanning suppliers are doing their jobs, survey shows

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

OCTOBER 21, 2009 — Nearly 9 of 10 tanning business owners are satisfied with the level of service they receive from their tanning suppliers, according to a poll conducted in October — a good indication that the players in …

HEADLINE STORY: Most tanning suppliers are doing their jobs, survey shows

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

OCTOBER 21, 2009 — Nearly 9 of 10 tanning business owners are satisfied with the level of service they receive from their tanning suppliers, according to a poll conducted in October — a good indication that the players in …

Headline screams that vitamin D can save babies lives

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

OCT. 20, 2009 — Health web site published the headline “Vitamin D can save half-million babies each year: study” in a story this week — by far one of the strongest declarations in a vitamin D story to date.…

HEADLINE STORY: Headline screams that vitamin D can save babies lives

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

OCT. 20, 2009 — Health web site published the headline “Vitamin D can save half-million babies each year: study” in a story this week — by far one of the strongest declarations in a vitamin D story to date.…

Two cancer watchdog groups promoting sensible sun exposure

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

OCT. 19, 2009 — Two cancer-watchdog web sites — and — have published a story titled “The Vitamin D difference” that points out that sensible sun exposure is the only natural way to make natural vitamin D levels.…

HEADLINE STORY: Two cancer watchdog groups promoting sensible sun exposure

Monday, October 19th, 2009

OCT. 19, 2009 — Two cancer-watchdog web sites — and — have published a story titled “The Vitamin D difference” that points out that sensible sun exposure is the only natural way to make natural vitamin D levels.…


Friday, October 16th, 2009

Cosmetic Dermatology’s misguided statement that UV exposure is like a cigarette for your skin — a comparison that defies nature and science in order to peddle chemical sunscreen and cosmetic dermatology’s sun abstinence agenda — is being puffed out more …
