Sun Ergoline’s Sun Angel knows just how much UV light is necessary for a perfect-looking tan while virtually eliminating overexposure. Individual UV light requirements depend not only on skin type, but also if the skin has an existing tan. The …
Q: Many of my clients have friends and relatives who still believe that indoor tanning “base tans” don’t work. Of course we know they do work, but what do I tell them?…..Click here for the full story…
February reminds most people of Valentine’s Day, some people of Black History Month and at my salon, we reminded people that it was Vitamin D Deficiency Month. It is a constant source of amazement to me the number of customers …
Teen tanning and vitamin D are the number one subjects for Canadian salons. The Canadian Cancer Society and its provincial divisions continue pushing provincial governments to regulate tanning salons while promoting increased vitamin D levels at the same time. Though …
For many, the most difficult part of becoming a successful salesperson is learning to overcome the fear of rejection. But a client’s initial rejection is just part of the sales process.
When it comes to the fight against breast cancer and racing to find a cure for the disease, Devoted Creations never slows. The company works extremely hard at all levels – salons, distributor functions, advertising and grass roots with tanners …
The recently passed economic stimulus plan doesn’t include much that will directly benefit small businesses, but experts say small business is likely to find its own answers closer to home – with on-hand opportunity available from existing customers.
“The difference …
Dennis Ligon From Sundays Blue Box says that Devoted Creations’ Lewis Henry teaches Sundays Blue Box staff to gain customers’ trust. A great way to gain trust is by letting clients know about any shortcomings you may have about certain …