We Are Sunshine

Sunny ‘D’ Works Better: Holick

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

“When you ingest vitamin D, only about 60 percent of it sticks to vitamin D-binding protein, but when you make vitamin D in your skin, 100 percent binds to the protein.” — Dr. Michael F. Holick, vitamin D research pioneer …

Earn Respect From Your Employees

Monday, October 1st, 2012

As the article “7 Ways to Earn Respect as a Leader” explains, it’s better to earn respect than to demand it. Some people in authority believe that their status entitles them to respect, but this kind of deference isn’t …

Glamour: Get ‘D’ From Cereal

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Glamour magazine — one of the beauty industry’s flagship magazines — told readers this month that vitamin D deficiency is a problem for women and can be solved by eating more breakfast cereal fortified with vitamin D.

“That’s like telling …

Poll: Spray Tan Share Increases

Friday, September 28th, 2012

More than half of tanning salons in a September survey say that spray tanning services made up a larger percentage of their sales in 2012.

According to the poll, 53 percent say spray tanning was a bigger part of …

Do NOT do this:
Habits of Unsuccessful Businesses

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

Instead of the typical description of what you should be doing to make your business successful, the article “3 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful Businesses” flips the script and addresses common strategic mistakes that need to be avoided. Contributors Karl …

Quote of the Week:
1934 Researcher: ‘Light Equals D’

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

“Light equals D.” – early vitamin D pioneer Alfred Fabian Hess, in 1923. How has modern science and heath-care reporting lost track of this foundation in vitamin D’s role in human health?

One of the common mistakes people make when …

Benefits of Blogging

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

The article “Do You Really Need a Small Business Blog” from Small Business Computing answers it’s own question with a resounding “Yes!” Maintaining a blog for your small business may seem like an unnecessary addition to your to-do list, but …

Dermatology In the Dark on D

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

While it is beyond dispute that sun exposure to the skin is the natural, intended and most-efficient source of vitamin D production, dermatology’s leaders continue to suggest that nature was wrong by promoting vitamin D supplements to the exclusion of …
