We Are Sunshine

Sell to Your Client’s Inner “Me”

Monday, January 2nd, 2023

By Brandon Cardinal, Sunless, Inc.

Are you ever confused as to what it is you do at your salon when it comes to spray tanning, sunless tanning and or self-tanning. It is our job as an industry to define what …

A Modern Approach to Product Marketing and Sales

Friday, December 30th, 2022

In examining your opportunities make 2023 as profitable as possible, one really stands out as virtually limitless: Increasing product sales. There’s realistically only so many tanning memberships and sessions you can sell. Only a percentage of women in your community …

4 SMS Marketing Ideas That Will Help Increase Customer Engagement At Your Tanning Salon

Thursday, December 29th, 2022

By John Toston, Tan-Link

Did you know that about 98 percent of the messages that are sent via SMS are opened within 5 minutes? This means that…

  • You’ll be bypassing the email unread/spam filter.
  • Almost a guaranteed open rate.
  • And,

Inflamm-aging: Combatting the ‘key driver of aging and disease’

Wednesday, December 28th, 2022

One of the noted benefits of red light therapy is reducing inflammation and pain. But could the impact be more important than just short-term relief and recovery?

We recently posted an article covering the concept of mal-illumination. As we …

Memory, Learning and Sunlight: A new brain paradigm

Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

Memory becomes a worry as humans age, and that worry has spawned a plethora of new anti-forgetfulness products. Based on recent research, we elucidate the manner in which sunlight stimulation of skin may influence important chemical reactions. These reactions improve …

Objections to Pricing and How to Answer Them Effectively

Monday, December 26th, 2022

By Michael Vidan

“You are too expensive.”

The normal first reaction to this statement is to get defensive, isn’t it? The next thought is to start to think of ways to reduce your price just to get the business, right?…

ASA Effective in 2022 Lobbying Efforts

Friday, December 23rd, 2022

Staying ahead of attempts to over-regulate professional indoor tanning facilities at the state level will continue to be one of the American Suntanning Association’s top priorities in 2023.

And, more than ever, ASA’s promotion and defense of the market with …

Concerned About the Tridemic? Vitamin D & Other Nutrients Could Help

Thursday, December 22nd, 2022

The importance of vitamin D to help prevent and fight illnesses such as the respiratory infections that are becoming prevalent these winter months.

  • Key Points
    An analysis found that, compared to those with vitamin D levels less than 20 ng/ml,