Owning a small business usually means you’re operating on a smaller budget when it comes to your marketing and promotion. Unfortunately, some small business owners experiencing a rough patch or low sales tend to cut marketing and promotion to save …
The laundry can wait. It seems the new routine for fitness and self-care fanatics and should definitely be Gym, Tan, Red Light Therapy. Along with improving skin condition, enhancing tanning and much more, the combination of red and near-infrared light …
It’s that time of year again: the time where you notice that your tanning salon, which was once bustling with motivated new tanners, has begun to revert to its previous state of mostly “the regulars,” and …
Launching into May’s Sunshine Month – New, individualized recommendations are based on skin type, replacing the message of the last few decades which has shunned the sun, saying to cover up and beware of its harms
Sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste – five of the most common senses. Senses are used to feed our minds with information and that information helps us make everyday decisions. If these senses …
What is Vitamin D Good For? (Part 9: Immune Health) – Vitamin D is needed by virtually every cell in the body, and is essential for hundreds of processes each and every day